My Blog

The Inch

by | Mar 18, 2024 | General, Life Hacks

It’s not always a bad thing to give that inch…

Photo by Arek Socha via Pixabay

While sitting in the chair at my local salon recently, I was planning on saying, “Just the same old cut.” But I really wanted something different, without going to the extreme of bangs or changing the color. We decided to lop off a full inch plus instead of the usual trim, and it made a huge difference. So my advice would be to take that plunge if you’re looking for something new. It’s only hair, and it eventually grows back.

Thinking about how much change that one inch made, reminded me of the phrase “give someone an inch and they’ll take a mile.” But despite the pessimistic caution that assumes the worst in others, sometimes it’s worth taking the risk. It’s not uncommon for friends, family, or organizations to ask for favors—of our time, money, or expertise. It can actually add to your own happiness to give that inch to others, especially if you’re not feeling pressure to give more than makes you comfortable. And saying yes once does not commit you to doing so in the future.

There’s an old joke about a doctor complaining to his attorney friend over drinks one night. The doctor is tired of acquaintances asking for free consults. “Can you just look at this spot? Listen to my lungs?” or some other request outside the confines of the office. His friend suggests that he do the favor, then send them a bill the following day. The doctor goes home, thinking this should solve his issue. The next day, he receives a bill from the attorney.

Not all inches given involve assistance, either. For example, giving in to a child’s request for more screen time, or a later curfew for a special occasion, might be worth it in the long run, especially if you feel that they’ve earned it. Remember, in relationships of all sorts, all topics aren’t hills worth dying on. When choosing your battles, decide which ones to give that extra inch on, and in return, you might get that inch back elsewhere. Of course, if they reach for the whole mile, it’s probably time to stand firm.

In what areas of your life can you spare an inch?


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